One of the first steps in opening a DME company is developing or buying a set of DME written policies and procedures. DME policies and procedures are generally 200-300 pages long and describe in great detail exactly how you plan to run your DME business in compliance with all of Medicare’s rules and your Accrediting organization’s rules. This is the first thing the accreditation inspector will ask to see when they walk through the door.
These policies and procedures are the backbone of starting your DME business and describe how you will:
• Provide equipment to patients
• Keep patient records
• Maintain a safe OSHA compliant facility
• Operate human resources
• Perform performance management or quality improvement
• Perform administrative functions and much more
You can spend months writing your own policies and procedures or purchase them from our website for $599. Our policies and procedures are the cheapest and most comprehensive that you can buy and were designed to be fully customized to your business in under 30 minutes.
When you click the blue "Click to Buy" button above, our website will send you to PayPal to complete the purchase with any credit or debit card. Once the transaction processes, a link will appear. Click this link to instantly download your policies and procedures. The file format is Microsoft Word and easy to edit and customize. Every place that you need to enter your personal business information is highlighted in [RED]. Though the file is over 200 pages long, you can customize it to your business in under 30 minutes using a few “Find and Replace” searches.
Chapters Include:
The only DME Policies and Procedures Manual that you need to pass your Medicare accreditation inspection.
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Complete written company polices that are guaranteed to pass your inspection from all DME Medicare accrediting agencies including:
Click, Pay, Download and your company's DME Policies & Procedures manuals are ready for inspection.